Saturday, September 2, 2017

We're Back!

Ok, so it has been almost a year since my last post. I guess I'm not much of the blogger type but I'm really going to make an effort this school year! Although there is not much posted here on the blog we have been quite busy the past school year. We moved countries, lived in a hotel for a quite a while, added a new person to the family (Welcome, Ben!) and moved again within the same country. Let's just say last year was not my best year for being organized and on top of things. I feel like I was in survival mode for most of the year, but we did still progress with our homeschooling adventures. Here are some photos from our work this past year:

Cutting skills have improved immensely!

Setting the table on a super small table, haha!

Hammering nails in some old tree trunks

Metal insets were a popular work for both A & M 

Dates, anyone?

Working together on sound games

Checking the linear calendar for our activity that day

We have a new work bench now!

Pink tower + Brown stairs = cool creations :)

House work is a part of school work, too.

The moon (Mimi) orbiting the Earth (Abe)

And when it rains in the desert you drop everything and go jump in some puddles!

This school year we are feeling refreshed and ready for a very productive year, God-Willing. Abe is now 4 and Mimi, 3, so they are both at the primary level (ages 3-6) which means teaching them has been a little easier because Mimi is more focused and interested in the work I'm introducing to Abe. We are looking forward to introducing the decimal system, addition and subtraction and watching Abe's writing and reading skills progress and for Mimi to begin the journey to reading this year, as well. Practical life work is still extremely important and a lot of fine motor work will still be on our shelves along with tons of sensory materials because refinement of the senses is just so important for little ones.

And finally, the most exciting and blessed parts about this school year is that we get to start it off in our very own school room. We have had it since we moved in December to our new place. We have really made it our special learning space, and I just can't wait to start the year with it finally complete and to share it with other children in our community. A separate post is in the works with a full tour, but for now a simple photo :)

Until next time...peace be with you!

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